Monday, September 03, 2007

Being Led by the Spirit

Many of us view the ministry we are involved in as a response to the call of God upon our lives. It is a call that was not shaped by us, but God prompting us in ways - through circumstances, through an inner compulsion, or even a sensing of God speaking with clarity to us - that made clear to us that our lives were to be devoted to God's mission in the world.

Yet, somewhere along the way we get comfortable with our calling and we begin to control and shape the way we enact our calling. We may still feel we are led by the Spirit, but much of our leading is now also under our own direction.

I am discovering - through re-reading of the birth narratives of Jesus - that being led by the Spirit is something that is very uncomfortable, very much outside the boundaries of our control. Though the Spirit comforts us, the leading of the Spirit is very uncomfortable - and I guess that is the way I would rather have it. You see, when I start shaping my own destiny, I seem to go off in directions that have more to do with me, rather than participating in what God is up to in the world.

Both Mary and Joseph in hearing the news that the child developing in Mary was of the Spirit made both Mary and Joseph very uncomfortable - they had no context for which to gain understanding (many of us who called ourselves learned, still have no context for what they came to accept.) What the Spirit of God expressed to them was indeed uncomfortable, though as they were comforted by the Spirit their hearts leaped with joy - being in wonderment about what God was doing to bring about the salvation of his human creation.

And so I ask myself - do I want to live into my calling in ways that are comfortable to me? Or do I want to discover what God intends for the calling God has placed upon my life by daring to heed the Spirit, no matter how uncomfortable it is for me? I am beginning to discover the courage to engage in the latter. It is the Spirit of God, who comforts me (cf. John 14) as the Spirit leads me - because without the Spirit I would be unable to go beyond my comfort zones. As the Spirit takes me into different kind of ministry contexts, I am unsure why I am even there - but in yielding to the Spirit, I begin to see and hear what God is doing in the world to which I am being invited to participate. And to think that I would be oblivious to all this if I remained in ministry bounded by what I am able to control and be comfortable in.

Being led by the Spirit is perhaps the most uncomfortable thing in my life - but I am re-discovering this to be the way I desire to live out my life and ministry.

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